ABC Fabrics Ltd.​

100% export quality fabrics manufacturer & supplier.

Dobby Denim

Slub Denim

Camo Print

About Us​

ABC Fabrics Ltd is a leading export quality fabrics manufacturer & supplier.

Our Mission

“We aim to be the best in our chosen area of expertise with the guiding vision of ABC Fabrics engineering and pioneering strategies, being ready to adapt advancing trends and processing techniques. Our commitment is deep-rooted to our brand building enterprise and towards fashion trends at home, in the region and worldwide.”

Our Vision

“To synergize skills and expertise in producing denim fabrics of the finest quality based on ethical business and safe working practices, and to retain a large client base serviced with our highest level of customer satisfaction.”

Contact Us


137/16 Mazar Road,
2nd Colony, Golden Shower,
3rd Floor, E-3, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216




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